Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Copious $10 Credit!

ooOOoo another new $10 credit to spend on Copious! 
If you haven't signed up for Copious yet, you can sign up with my link here and get another $10 to spend!! It's an awesome site where people sell things like polish, jewelry, accessories, etc!

Click this link to get the additional $10 credit for both old and new members. 
There is also a sale going on right now - $10 for $20 worth of Festivus stuff :P. 

Go go Copious!!


  1. Weird, I got the email about this but it won't put the credit on my account! :(

  2. Dangit! It worked for at least two people I know of! You checked your credits, went to the Festivus page?


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